Harness frequencies for whole body wellness

Theta chamber with a person inside
Red light therapy is a non-invasive, science-backed treatment using red and infrared light to promote healing. Combined with Nogier Frequencies, it restores tissues and organs to healthy states, addressing pain at its source without UV rays, drugs, heat, or side effects.
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Theta chamber with a person inside
The Theta Chamber at Quasar Quantum Healing

How it works

Red and near-infrared wavelengths of light stimulate the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), a complex organic chemical that all living things need to function and survive.

The Theta Chamber at Quasar Quantum Healing

Frequency A | 292Hz

Cellular Vitality

Resonates with the Ectoderm (outermost tissue) that forms skin, glands, nerves, eyes, ears, teeth, brain, and spinal cord. Assists wound healing, skin and nerve repair, and reduces scar tissue, inflammation, and tumors.

Frequency B | 584 Hz

Autonomic Nerve Balance

Resonates with the Endoderm (innermost tissue) that forms the lining of the intestinal tract, the lungs, the bladder, the urethra, and the auditory tube. It also forms the thyroid, thymus, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. Improves nutritional assimilation, and allergy problems, and balances the parasympathetic nervous system. Used for circulatory problems, edema, and lymph problems.

Frequency C | 1,168Hz

Muscle & Blood Circulation

Resonates with Mesoderm (middle tissue) that forms connective tissue such as ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscle, and bone. It also forms the heart, blood and lymph vessels, kidneys, ovaries, testes, spleen, and the cortex of the adrenal gland. Used for muscle, skeletal, and myofascial pain.*

Frequency D | 2,336 Hz

Mind & Body Stress Adjustment

Helps to balance the two sides of the brain. May also help reduce and treat stress.

Frequency E | 4,672Hz

Peripheral Nervous System

Used for spinal and skin disorders and pain control. Resonates with the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system. Veterinary experience: Reduces excess calcification such as bone spurs and arthritic joints.

Frequency F | 73 Hz - Harmonic Frequency

Hormone Balance

Resonates with the sub-cortical lower regions of the brain. including the thalamus and hypothalamus—two major control centers for body functions. May also help with muscle spasms, facial pain, headaches, and depression. Has been used for non-healing bone fractures and to help balance hormones. Veterinary experience: Improves circulation.

Frequency G | 146Hz - Harmonic Frequency

Brain Activation Intelligent Tissue

Used for memory, psychological disorders, nervousness, and worry. Resonates with the cerebral cortex of the brain—involved with thinking, imagining, and creating. Veterinary experience: Reduces inflammation and scar tissue on tendons and ligaments, reduces edema, and improves gums. Frequency G is a universal frequency (as is A) that can be tried for any condition.

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*Try D if a chronic condition related to C is not improving.

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