Trendsetter to Know: Alana Samuels of The Studio at Quasar Quantum Healing
Name: Alana Samuels
Instagram: @alanadanielleyoga
Age: 23
Title: Studio Manager
Married/Single: In a relationship
Kids: None
City you live in: Chandler
A typical day in my life includes… as a yoga instructor I would like to say I start off every day with my yoga practice, but it usually starts out with a cup of black tea and wordle. I always make sure to at least get some sort of stretching or meditation in as a part of my morning routine. The best way for me to get in the groove of my day is cleaning, so I make my bed and tidy up my apartment before packing up for a day at The Studio! If we have a classes or events that day I help set up, welcome people, make sure things go smoothly, etc., otherwise you can find me helping my mom at the wellness center side of the business or answering emails. I always finish off my day with fitness (yoga or incline walking on the treadmill) or a night walk with my boyfriend.
I was born… here in the Valley!
My favorite thing about Arizona… all the beautiful nature! I love taking trips up north to Prescott, Flagstaff or Sedona, going camping, hiking, and spending as much time outside as possible.
I’m listening to… most recently, Harry Styles’ new album. I LOVE music—I tend to choose what I listen to based on my mood. My favorite genres are funk, R&B, pop, and house.
My family… is very supportive. The Studio is part of the wellness center my mom created, so we work together and spend a lot of time around each other. My dad has always urged me to do something that is fulfilling, and I know I have found that. My younger sister is an inspiration to me and my family because of all that she has overcome.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… I wish I could say someone super profound or interesting, but it would honestly be either Harry Styles or Justin Bieber.
One thing I cannot live without… Spotify or music in general. Specifically, my Spotify playlists that I have spent time carefully crafting for myself and my yoga classes.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… like every other kid I wanted to be a marine biologist because I wanted to work with the dolphins at Sea World. I realized that this wasn’t the most ethical choice, so I switched to physical therapist or sports doctor when I was about 13.
I’m inspired by… all the musical artists that I follow. I love the idea of creating things that resonate or serve other people. It is something I strive for in my business and life in general.
The one person who motivates me is… my mother. Not just because I work with her, but also because she knows what I am capable of and has my best interest in mind.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… homelessness/poverty. I hate the idea that some people can buy million-dollar mansions and others don’t even have a roof over their head or food to eat. I’m a firm believer in equity and everyone deserving basic resources no matter their background or upbringing.
The perfect day would be… I actually experienced the perfect day recently on a trip to Boulder, Colorado. I started the day with a quick yoga routine then went out for a short hike in the mountains. After the hike, I followed the trail down to a path that followed a creek to the main town. I did a little shopping (bought some cute stickers and saw the most beautiful flower shop), then stopped into a coffee shop to have a chai latte and some banana bread. That night, I went to the Dua Lipa concert with some friends and danced the night away.
My first job was… at an autism clinic as a behavior technician.
My favorite escape… Driving at night while listening to music is a great stress relief. When I’m feeling really overwhelmed, I like to ground myself with a long yoga practice and meditation with (surprisingly) no music—just me, my body, and my breath.
My life… is full of beauty! I love surrounding myself with things I find beautiful like art, music, friends, cool restaurants, nature, films, and fashion.
I’m currently working on… my business! My biggest goal is to create a strong network of teachers and facilitators in the wellness space that are as passionate as me about creating unique classes and events.
Always… find the positive in situations. I’m definitely guilty of doing the exact opposite, but I have found that it doesn’t serve me to brood. When I feel like the world is working against me, I try to recognize that there is always some type of purpose or something to learn from overcoming that obstacle.
Never… feel as if you are unworthy of joy, love, or happiness. EVERYONE is worthy of having a fulfilling life—in fact, it is our purpose as humans. I find that gratitude really helps with this one, even if it’s just being grateful for the ability to step outside and feel the warm sun.
Favorite Quote… “You are alive, so take your life and enjoy it. You were born with the right to be happy, to love, and to share your love. Just to be—to take a risk and enjoy your life—is all that matters” from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Biggest Dream… teach English in some Spanish or Portuguese-speaking country. I studied Spanish Linguistics and Brazilian Studies in college and was supposed to do this, however the pandemic got in the way. I would love to spend a couple months abroad one day and finally fulfill this dream.
My Pet Peeve(s)… close-mindedness. I always make an effort to see things from others’ perspectives and try to be understanding and respectful of their opinions and experiences. I am appalled at how some people can dismiss others so easily and see things so objectively. I wish that we could live in a more understanding society as a whole.
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