Quasar Quantum Healing In the News2 min read

Summertime Sensations

Written by Modern Luxury Scottsdale

Scottsdale is starting the season off hot with new experiences sure to leave you in high spirits.


Scottsdale’s Quasar Quantum Healing is expanding its center. For its new wellness studio, health-promoting materials such as Himalayan salt walls and cork flooring have been integrated for the ultimate zen experience. “Th e Himalayan Salt Cave is great for boosting mood, immunity, energy levels and respiratory health,” explains studio manager Alana Samuels. “Th e magic behind Himalayan salt is the negative ions that it produces. Negative ions counteract pollutants in the air such as pollen, mold, toxic chemicals, dust and other harmful materials, thus making the air purer and clearer.” Local yoga instructors and other wellness facilitators can rent the space, which is perfect for any Zen event. Additionally, two classes are off ered this season: Yoga Nidra and Ecstatic Dance. “Yoga Nidra calms the nervous system, which is important to do as the weather starts getting warmer and we start getting more irritable,” she says. “Ecstatic Dance is a great [for releasing] stress and also for self-expression.” Whether it’s calming the nervous system or taking advantage of the benefi ts of Himalayan salt, the studio is a unique way to fi nd your bliss this summer. quasarquantumhealing.com.

Read the article in the June issues of Scottsdale Modern Luxury here.

Read the online article here.