Full Circle Farms2 min read

Ramona’s Full Circle Farms Grows with Agritourism Industry

Written by Times of San Diego

A Ramona farm is finding success with the public’s increased interest in vacationing at farms, while learning about what it takes to grow quality food.

Full Circle Farms Getaways and Retreats, an organic, sustainable farm retreat and vacation rental, has been teaching guests how to forage, prepare and eat native plants since December.

Carissa Ultsch, partner and director of the farm, said they’ve hosted nearly 400 guests since opening their doors. Agritourism isn’t limited to Ramona. A market report showed the industry was valued at $8.2 billion in 2021 and is predicted to grow another 12.3% by 2027.

“[Visitors] learn what they can eat that grows naturally all around us,” said Ultsch, who noted she was exposed to farming at a young age. “Visitors are normally blown away at how many wild edibles are growing all around us in our everyday lives. They learn sustainable practices such as composting and the benefits of composting scraps for the garden rather than using chemical fertilizers as well as that you don’t have to use chemicals and poisons to control weeds and critters.”

At Full Circle Farms, guests can also experience a variety of wellness and nature-based activities, including hiking, yoga and more. The farm is also home to a spa, which includes nature-based services, including acupuncture. Partnering with organic wineries to fruit farms, egg ranches and even a camel dairy, Ultsch said the goal is to introduce visitors to a deeper appreciation of nature.

“We hope that visitors take away a love for nature, a deeper connection with those they love, including themselves, and the desire to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle,” Ultsch said.

As the farm welcomes new guests from around the world, Ultsch said they have plans to build out their wellness and healing center and expand its indoor greenhouse and outdoor garden to grow product all year long.

For more information about Full Circle Farms Getaways and Retreats, go to quasarquantumhealing.com/full-circle-farms-retreats.

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